These holidays wods are quite popular!
Didn’t expect that.
Yesterday night, I was devouring a spanish série called “la casa de papel” just to have a break on CrossFit but also on the other things that I’m not happy about.
Normally I wouldn’t have started to watch a spanish série but a friend recommended it. Why so? Because I’m French and we don’t like our neighbors.*
Probably the same for you with the Swedish and the Trolls.
So we don’t like our neighbors, none of them but the people we don’t like the most, I think they are French. Yeah we don’t like them!
My mum is always asking me when I’m coming back but the idea of going there make me depressed. Seriously. Big time.
I have a French expatriated friend who wrote on Facebook this amazing quote “what I like the most about my country? It is far”.
So I was watching this amazing tv program when finally had a look at the bookings in Mindbody. And it was crazy waitlisted.
Then I had to change my plan, made a team 3 and added more people in the wods.
Abedrabbe took the wod twice (66 minutes!) and also a picture of me. But it’s photoshopped.
* being sarcastic! Sorry Roberto & David 😜