“Perfect is the enemy of good”

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I said it to my class today. And I liked it. (I’m my number one fan😂🤪)

Olympic Weightlifting is difficult. It will never be perfect. And if you ever did the perfect lift. It would be subjective wether it really was perfect 🤷🏻‍♂️

So what does it mean? (It’s a famous quote from Voltaire in the 1750’s Shakespeare and others)

It means … ehhhh .. That if you go for perfect you often will end up with nothing. That good is good enough if you want anything to happen.

Perfect, that might not ever happen is not worth the time invested in it.

So forget about perfect. Just go for lots of good.

That’s a perfect fit for CrossFit 👏🏻

Magne is perfect 👌🏻

And Alexander’s sister signed up for two months 😜

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