No Snorre today was not Aida but MS Astoria, a boat for my fellow French people. 🇫🇷
“Allons enfants de la partie, le jour de gloire est arrivé!” 🇫🇷
So we did a city sightseeing, then I took them to the woods and told them everything : the history of the city, dry cod related stuff & Bryggen stories and … snatch-ring muscle up-pistols because we should always talk about CrossFit.
That’s the first, the second and also the third rule.
We all know this.
Then I met Fabiola who came once to Bring A Friend (because I’m really pushy on it! 😂) teaming up with Gabriela. 🇧🇷
She said “oh I want to come back but you have to promise me you will teach me how to Hand Stand Walk!” 🤸🏽♀️
Of course I’ll do!
The workout today was from CrossFit New England.
3 AMRAPs of 5 minutes with Double Unders as buy in, power cleans with increasing weights and burpees box jumps over.
And it was really hard as the heat is unbelievable these last days!
Stian won the wod and decided to keep working out until the sun was down while I decided to go for a swim.
More than 2 years I’m here and that’s the first time I can stay in the water more than 30 seconds.