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Today we had “Blackout Tuesday” (Well yesterday)

Lots of people posting just a black picture to bring about policy change after George Floyd getting killed.

We like to believe that we don’t have those problems here. But we do. We know it. So therefore many Norwegians posted one too. (Well I actually don’t know why they posted it, but you understand😅)

I’m glad that “Bryggen” has lots of black and brown and even caramel colored members 😀 The rest of us use solarium and beta carotene😂

Anyways … The way to not being a racist is not to be neutral. So I would like to say to all our members. You are great. If anybody says anything about being brown or whatever we will power-snatch them over vågen 🏋️🏋️‍♂️

Tommel opp 👍🏻👍🏾👍🏿

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