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I pass the door, say hello to the friendly faces who are already there. I open the office and get changed. Then I go to clean the board, probably the floor a little, and put the forgotten items into the “lost & found” box. I take several colorful pieces of chalk and and figure out in my mind how to write down the wod properly. Roland writes it so tidy, so neat. Snorre makes some waves under the title. Gabor writes it so big that there is no more space for the results. 😂 We are all different. Then I play music and check out my warm up.

This is my ritual. This is my temple.

Being here is a blessing. For at least 1h you forget everything that is wrong in the outside world. Sometimes people even “forget” to switch on their brain when the wod is a bit tricky and we repeat “Do you have questions? Did you understand? Sure?” and some screw up anyway… 🤪😂

In today’s workout I wanted to have exercices with plates. Something different, not too heavy and fast.

This is the rule n•4 of the CrossFit to have “constantly varied high-intensity functional movements”.

Rule n•1 is “you talk about CrossFit”.

Rule n•2 is “you talk about CrossFit”.

Rule n•3 is “you talk about CrossFit”.

You already know about it right. 😅

So it was AMRAP 20 in Team 2, which is the standard of Bring A Friend. My original version had run with a plate but the rain would not stop so we had rower instead. 🏃🏻🌧

In the warm up we had Tabata Biceps Curl & Triceps. Charlotte and Ingrid approved it! 💪🏻

Team mother and daughter with Kristin Tuva and Anne-Marie (AM-“what should I do now?” KT-“what?”).

Team Kari-Seline trying to catch up on Team Lise-Ida.

Per & Martine in action!

The Love Team Celine-Roland with him showing us how strong he is! Yeah! 💪🏻💪🏻

That was my last post. Time for me to tell everyone “God Jul”. Enjoy the time with your family. Enjoy your traditions, your pinnekjøtt, ribbe, lutefisk … and julegrandiosa! 🎄🎅🏻🎁❤️

See you in 2018.


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