Wednesday: 60/60

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In crossfit we like to grab something medium , and lift it multiple times. The strong ones, that can breathe wins. But what happens if you make it a bit heavy?

One of the ten points of fitness is strength. And strength has the quality that it is functional in it self. Strength is not a trick or a skill.

So this new wod makes the strong shine. No tricks. Just strength.

Elin and Chona really did well Rx !!

“Jokkis” and Bjørnar also 👍🏻

Most of the good crossfiters at Bryggen found an excuse not to do the wod 😂 Next time we do it , they should try😜✅

Ove had the last class. He wanted everybody to go as heavy as possible, and then some. He said that if they scaled and finished in under twenty , they where 🐣. Turned the music of before the wod and shouted ; ” Raise your hand if you wanna be a chicken ” 😂👏🏻👏🏻

Trond , Snorre and Sara are not chickens. We have been doing our presses and strict chin ups regularly. I did well. Sara and Trond just smashed everybody!!!!!!

Sneak training 😳

“Heroes of the day”

Every style of wod has its fans. Not often I get messages from happy members like today.

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