Ole came and joined “the normal wod” for the second time this week???? He will soon be walking around in a “Forged by Snorre” shirt 👕 if this keeps happening 😜
He smashed the wod big time !!!!
But at the last class of the day came the papa bear 🐻. Mats “The Bear” Brakedal. He did the wod so fast 💨 its difficult to beat him with an empty bar 😅 Time : 5:42 !!!!
Lee did the wod in woolen socks 🧦 with 80 kg
Ole did well …. He is the best in Norway by faaaaaar in his open class 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Dangerous Dave did his Angry Birds routine. Hip thrusting biceps curls with supinated grip.
Sprints with Lena will soon be fully booked. It looks cool 😎
Trond beat Bjørnar today …….
The board ;