No matter what you are trying to sell girls work better. Guys buy more magazines about cars if you put a girl on the hood (Not a big surprise, we are monkeys
What’s more surprising is that magazines for girls also sell better if you put a girl on it
Anyways…. Bryggen don’t wanna miss out. It’s just gonna be girls from now on.
Say hello to our new coach Emilie Markhus. She is a girl
Here she is running Baywatch like during the warm up. It looks a thousand times better than if I did the same. I’m guessing we are going to sell “sommertilbud” like crazy now
Girls with their arms up in the air.
And hot chicks on bikes
Bryggen Bodybuilder Club are not idiots. Squats and Bench Press will not make the Blog. What you need is a girl !!! Preferably in pink with fluffy hair BANG!!! made the blog
Monica read yesterday’s blog and ran over to Torshov Sport to print a new “Bryggen shirt “
Both Monica and Chona are girls so I’m guessing the sales will fly trough the roof!!!
Ohhhh … and remember the yoga class on Saturday. It’s held by a girl off course.
Me and Monica visited CrossFit Kystby today and guess what!!! Everything was just like at Bryggen. People goofing around when the coach tried to explain the workout
Happy friendly people working out together.
Girls taking pictures of girls for promotion.
The only difference was that our Champion girl is only half size compared to Kystby’s
Big thanks to Isabel at CrossFit Kystby for taking good care of us. We really had a good time at Sotra today