Wednesday: 17.1

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So every year as a qualifier to the CrossFit Games , crossfit headquarters gives us The Open. This was the first workout in 2017 !

Back then Roland had a super result . He finished way before anybody else with the score 13.48

Today Ole , Jokkis and Stian signed up for the 18.00 class to see who was the fittest. They lined up close to each other and went bananas on the snatches and burpees 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

And what a race it was ! Ole was in the lead for most of the workout. But at the end Jokkis made a run for it and won. Ole and Stian close behind him.

All of them beat Roland’s legendary performance from 2017 !!!

I went to close the doors and I there sat Magnus (53)

He attend regular classes 2-3 times a week. Magnus finished Rx before the time cap. Didn’t make any fuzz about it. He was just happy. Looking at the clock to see if he had pulse 😜

Flere innlegg