Paul Pena was an army captain who died in Afghanistan.
So CrossFit made a Hero Wod in his honor.
This one is pretty cool : high intensity intervals with 3 minutes breaks in between rounds.
Few reps but heavy on a 7 rounds workout.
The weather was great today so the run enjoyable.
Alright now let’s talk about something that seems obvious to me but apparently is not for all : where to put the weights back.
First picture you’re all good.
Second : someone didn’t get that the number on the wall was there for a reason.
Third : my favorite place.
Every single day I have to come there to put the kettlebells were they should be.
Light weights on top, heavier at the bottom.
Forth picture, same here : everyday I move the weights.
The small label is there for a reason as well : so we don’t end up having 2 piles of 20kg high enough to block the office window.
Please be smart.