Today I fu## myself :(

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Todays workout was not to complicated. BUT whenever we do two groups not starting at the same time, with shared equipment, and different reps and weights, THEN it will be some confusion. It demands some patient from my part. It’s okey 🙂 What’s not okey, is that i decided to be “nice” and let six extra persons join the wod. When I say yes to Carolina, and Bettine is visiting so Thea also wants to join … well you all get the picture.

So there i was with 18 persons that needed help figuring out whats weights to use. Not enough bars, so two persons had to use one. Finally i got the wod going. Thats was 24 minutes I did not work as a coach at all. Oda was exited, she was RX and got frustrated when her rower did not work. I had to run and change it. Jon Asbjørn wanted to know if he could join the next class. Chona sprained her ankle and needed some attention. Somebody took Oda’s belt, so I had to help her locate it. Monica wanted to know if there where any weights left that she could use, and much much more ….. It was just a mess. The 12 persons that originally booked for this class, did not get the attention they deserved at all. It’s just that I shot myself in the face adding to many people, ruining the whole thing for myself and everybody 😞

What’s even more concerning is that the trainers at Bryggen gets worn out. Sooo ….. never again !

12 persons each class, that’s it.

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