Thursday: Stocking stuffer from CFNE and Pull Ups 👍🏻

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5 x 5 pull ups with heavier load each time. Good fun to see all the creativeness 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Stine Ims came for a visit. Her engagement ring weighted more than her “back pack ” 😂❤️

The chefs also went for the back pack solution 😀

Roland getting ready for 22,5 dumbbell between legs attempt.

The tagliatelle boys 😍

It was a long day for me since Thierry is gone. Bought a fjordland at Tyggen’s shop and milked my cow in a hurry.

Left the magazine alone since it just makes me sad and tired to see this shit still being sold , and bought 🙈

If it said 6 years it would make sense , but guess nobody wants to read something like that 😒

I always say “the fight against thin arms continues” it’s a joke with some truth in it. Thin arms should not be a goal for anybody.

Pets weightlifting class was packed as usual. And Per was powerful as usual 👻

The board 👍🏻

And the KB workout😅

Flere innlegg