Thursday: Diane

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CrossFit Bryggen is the best crossfit box in the world when it comes to this “Benchmark” workout !!!

Today we all saw Martine finish it in 2:00 min

She is only 6 seconds away from Annie Thorsdottir’s world record. She can break that record easily. She might not even bother. You know her. Probably didn’t even put her score up on the board 😂😂😂

Kjetil Weidemann,a former CrossFit Bryggen member, beat Chris Spealler in 2012. Doing it in 1:34 !!! It was in the old room where StorCash is now. Strict hand stand push ups. We didn’t know how to kip back then. Didn’t need to 🙂

Can we prove it ? We was there. Dan Bailey is nr 2 in the world.

Kjetil is on his way back to BERGEN. Martine might do it again. “GULLET SKA HEM”

So what’s a benchmark? It’s a measurement. In this case to measure your fitness.

Benchmarking, sammenligning av produkter, arbeidsmåter eller lignende ut fra gitte kriterier eller standardverdier, særlig for å oppnå forbedringer. Ordet er utledet av engelsk benchmarking, avledet av benchmark ‘referansepunkt, kriterium’.

The board :

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