Since we are sand blasting the pull-up bars we had to tamper with this historic workout.
That made it quite challenging for both the trainers and the athletes.
How do you kip a ring pull up ? Nobody knows, we have not done it before. It’s a “constantly varied functional movement” So we will figure it out
Marie did
Mat Hilde decided it was to tough but did not wanna scale to much. She also wanted the transition to go smooth. Awesome troubleshooting skills !!!
What do you do if you are three doing team two ??? Do synchronized reps teaming up with the same girl Works out great.
Dagmar is leaving She is an animal so she will survive without us until April
Tomorrow the workout demands space and coaching. If you rather be number five on the waitlist than secured a spot in the next class, that’s fine by me. But I will not let anybody join but the 14
The board
Our children’s school in The Gambia is also constantly varied
Great stuff Florence