Thor’s day: “Dead and Company”

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Ajala transferred to CrossFit Bryggen some months ago. Always smiling and friendly. Today he said to me : “Hey Snorre I was thinking of having a party on Saturday. I have a big porch and the weather is gonna be nice” I was like : “Thanks for the invite, can I bring someone ?

He said : “I would like to invite everybody at CrossFit Bryggen” Looooool !!!! Respect ✊🏼 Whats the worst thing that can happen when you invite 285 people to a party ? ? ? Ha ha … That they all show up and everything goes straight through the roof 🙂

Let’s go and find out 👏🏻👏🏻

The “comp gang” could not get out of the WOD fast enough. To much running for them.

For Anette it was not a problem. Her running was unbelievable fast.

Had to “stalk” her on face to find out what’s up with this woman.

Found out

The comp gang 🙂

The board

Flere innlegg