Saturday: Powerlifting!

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The Norwegian championship in powerlifting is going on these days. Bryggen have 3 lifters in the competition. Today Sarah and Seline hit the podium. They won best lifter over all. Best deadlift. Best squat. Best in their class.  Prettiest girls. Coolest club and best looking coaches over all. Two thumbs up for the both of you. You are super duper lifters. Silver and gold is great !!!! 

On Monday it’s Monica’s turn. She will take the gold unless a train falls on her head. 

Sarah had tickets to the 90′ s party , so she had to leave before the best lifter picture was taken 🙂 🙂 

Seline tok sølv i NM for junior -63. 

Løftet 141,5(NR)-70-142,5, totalt 354 kg.

Pers i alle løft !!!  Hun fikk gull i knebøy på poeng. Ble tredje beste løfter av alle junior løftere på poeng.

Sarah tok gull i NM junior -52. 

Løftet 105-62,5-152,5

Hun fikk gull i markløft på poeng. 

Hun ble også beste løfter av junior løfterne på poeng.

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