Saturday: Bring A Friend

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When you attend the Level 1 you are facing experienced trainers.

Most probably a Level 4 as head coach and multiple Level 3 as assistants.

The way they show you the movements as it supposed to be done, how they keep tension in their bodies (you can read this on their faces) and then you understand that even for them it is difficult.

Mastering the movements is an art and demand multiple hours of practice.

Then, while I was attending, we had this Q&A and came the question “what’s your opinion on Open Gym?”.

The head coach said he was against: classes wods are enough.

But that guy is living in America.

There, it is a different world.

Ask Snorre who visited many gyms there: when the classes are over in their boxes, they ask people to get out and they close.

Personal training is not welcome.

Because you can read a lot about some persons suing their own CrossFit gym.

Seems unbelievable for me to do so but thus it happens.

The last article I read about that was a woman “injured” after doing a 55lbs deadlift.

55 pounds in deadlift which is … 25kg!

How on Earth can someone possibly get injured by taking off the floor something that weight like a holidays suitcase?

Well this is America.

Best and worst country at the same time.

So there you can’t train on your own without the supervision of a CrossFit trainer and they don’t bother having to watch after what people do during an “Open Gym” for what I understood.

That’s their mentality, they always need to blame someone else than theirselves.

As a trainer I understand the point of the head coach and I want to administrate my classes the best way possible, in silence and with the attention of the people facing me so without having anyone doing their own stuff on the side.

As a gym member myself I don’t agree with the guy.

How can you get better at something if you don’t put enough time and attention on your own work?

So I’m a little bipolar on the subject.

And I have admiration for dedicated people who come outside the “classes hours” and practice.

Today, Roland prepared for us a Bring A Friend workout which was a little more challenging than usual.

Interesting mouvements such as the Dumbbell Thrusters and then Partner Pistols at the program.


Flere innlegg