I’m sitting in my couch, waiting for something to happen in my life. But then realize that the highlight in the Norwegian society is to go in a “hytte”. In the middle of nowhere. Alone.
I’m thinking how miserable is my life so I pour red wine in my glass.🍷
Me in 2055.
Then I received a message from Elisabeth.
A video about a chameleon looking weirdly at the camera and sticking his tongue out with the sentence “we all have that one friend who’s a little different”.
Elisabeth doesn’t like anything I do. She complains about that and send to me videos of animals doing silly things with small messages that generally hold a middle finger up and a “fucker”. Everyday.
I’m doing my best …What can I do about that? Never happy.
nce again I’m thinking how miserable is my life and give myself more red wine.🍷
So I feel taking a hot shower just to get rid of this bad feeling. But then I need to get out, put my shoes on and walk down the stairs to reach the shared bathroom.
My neighbor outside carpet.
The idea of a hot shower is quickly forgotten when I have my third glass of wine thinking how miserable is my life.🍷
Few minutes later, Facebook tells me I was tagged on a video.
A video of a dog holding a cardboard sign where you can read “fuck you”. Tagged by Snorre. To me. Only me. My boss.
My casual work condition.
So I take the bottle but realize it’s empty. Then I know that my life is miserable.
The workout today was called Rapide which means fast in French. First part Shoulder Press and something not too crazy and fast at the end because yesterday was heavy and tomorrow will be long! Logic right.
Francisco who likes the strength part included in the wod and where he shows us great power. Regan one of our new members who loves to lift! Great skills at the Snatch. Martine at the Wall Ball and Tina at the Overhead Squat. Strong and beautiful as we love them!