How many crossfit gyms have a world champion power lifter that arranges a meet just for fun, for free, to be nice ?
Answer: 1
Thanks to Monica for showing us what cooolness is all about 😎
Anita warming up for her 85 kg Bench Press 😝
13 girls and 3 boys attended the competition. They where all awesome. Helping and supporting each other 110%
You make a good lift and …
Boom !!! People attack you getting off stage 😀
Powerlifting is about not running away. It’s about attacking the bar even if you are scared. That makes you a badass 😎
Not your typical backstage vibe. (Well, at a Justin Bieber concert maybe:)
Squatting at the wood also. Nice to see the members helping each other.
Shout out to Magnus Kleppe for becoming an awesome squatter.
I try to become better at complimenting people when they do well. Often I think something nice, but fail to tell them.
Here is a guy that did not fail to do so today 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙈
Thanks Thierry , I’ll blush until tomorrow. That was hard core complimenting 🌈🙈🙈🙈