Monday : Loredo

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I enter the shower, let the water run on my face and cover my ears.

The time stops, my mind is gone for a while.

I’m in a bubble, best feeling in the world.

I wish it last for ever.

But then Dansk enter the small room and he is bigger than me.

My moment of happy loneliness and safety is compromised.

I remember what said Snorre when we do the Kettlebell swings “squeeze your ass as if you have a 1000kr lap there and you don’t want anyone to take it from you.”

So I squeeze hard but still I can’t relax as I can’t hear nor see anything. 😂

Damn I won’t be able to be alone in silence today.

Even when I’m in the office trying to answer the hundred mails of people asking to drop in 2 hours after they sent their mails (seriously people?!) I can hear some encouraging loudly some others doing stuff.

Like Luise, when she’s here (like 4h per day) you can hear her even in Åsane.

Happy kid 😂

Monica came to see me in the office and said she couldn’t train because too many people 😂

That was crazy.

So crazy that I had to add an extra class at 19 in the barbell room.

Also I’m gone for work for a week and when back, in my first class this afternoon there is 3 new faces in front of me!

So you’re all back in town even the ones we don’t know yet which is great.

We love having new people.

We also love when they stay enough so we get to know them.

CrossFit community.

(Osvaldo came in this truck so I had to take a picture!)

Because CrossFit is more than sport.

It is about people.

You think you come to train but you stay longer for a coffee, for advice, small talk, etc…

Someone doing CrossFit on her/his own, alone on the side is completely wrong.

Lot of noice tonight and my head wants to explode.

But CrossFit Bryggen is my home and I love when people gather here.

And if you stay enough with us then my home will become yours too : “mi casa es su casa”.

(“Random picture of Gøril 😜” from Roland 😂)

And you will cherish this place, find your next best friend, maybe your husband or wife.

You might have come to get in better shape but you will get so much more than that.

Ainsi va la vie.


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