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5 Rounds for time ; 18 wallballs 10/6

                                    16 jumping squats

                                    14 goblet squat 32/24

                                    12 kb swing

                                    36 lunges



Her er en lite wallball drill til alle dere som drømmer om å bli kjempeflinke 🙂

Start and see how long you can continue hitting these milestones:
30 seconds: 12 shots
1 minute: 25 shots
1 ½ minutes: 37 shots
2 minutes: 50 shots
2 ½ minutes: 62 shots
3 minutes: 75 shots
3 ½ minutes: 87 shots
4 minutes: 100 shots
4 ½ minutes: 112 shots
5 minutes: 125 shots
5 ½ minutes: 137 shots
6 minutes: 150 shots
On failure (falling behind), rest and try again. Over time you want to get where you can do 150 shots in 6 minutes or less.

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