Friday : Open 18.1

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We made it.

I’m really proud we made it.

Yesterday I told myself I would go to bed early without watching the event but it didn’t happen this way.

I had a lot of work until very late, looking for a wod Plan B and passing the judge certificate (because we’re going to the Regional right?).

But I couldn’t sleep and around 3, I looked at my phone and saw a message from Gabor saying “I think we can manage this in the class”.

I was very excited.

So I watched the event, tips on how to get prepared and one hour later, sent a message to Thor-Håkon asking his opinion.

I tried to sleep but my head wouldn’t stop thinking about logistic and materials.

Because this is my first Open in a “management” position and I’m stressed like hell!

I want the best for us! There is a enormous pressure that I put on my own shoulders.

I know it sounds a bit ridiculous but I believe ambition leads to this little (or big) something “better”!

At 9, we met with Gabor to prepare everything and had the morning classes together.

I wanted we set something we could have all day long and we ended being very late in our schedule.

So the warm up had to get out of the picture. People would prepare themselves before the class.

With Thor-Håkon and Gabor we agreed on a short warm up that we wrote on the second board.

And none of the afternoon classes were late. Not of a minute.

A true miracle.

Everyone could try the 18.1 in our classes but also by themselves.

And even though it was a complete chaos, it was a controlled chaos.

A real success.

Nothing could have been possible without the help of Gabor and Thor-Håkon.

At the end of the day, Thor-Håkon gave me a high five and said, with a big smile : “we made it!”.

What a feeling.

I’m really thankful I had them on my side today.

I’d also like to thank all of our members too. You made everything go smooth and did great as athletes but also as judges.

BIG UP to our rising star Helle who is soon going to kick asses in Madison. Top score today. We are proud of your strong mental and amazing fitness.

I gave it all today.

I ended up without any energy, opening my mouth was really painful. I wish I wouldn’t speak for at least 15 hours and sleep the same. But it’s not going to happen as tomorrow I’m back on the deck for BAF.

But then tomorrow night we will gather and the pressure will be gone … until next week.

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