I’m a little late writing this entry and you’ve been waiting the entire weekend to read the blog. I’m really sorry about that but…
… 🇫🇷 is 2018 Football World Champion 🇫🇷
So Friday we had a “spicy” EMOM as Roland said.
20 minutes of work with 4 different movements : Rowing, Wallballs, Burpees & Box Jumps.
Let says that your legs had their dose at the end. 😆
Challenging numbers of reps but not impossible as many made it RX.
And if we “work” during the wod, we should play during the warm up.
So we had the broom stick game and the inch worm team race.
It looked ridiculous but was very fun! 😂
Only two classes in the afternoon but once again some wodless people who were hanging around in the gym asked if they could join, like a special guest Ole Petter. 😃👊🏻
Oh by the way ⚽️🏆🇫🇷