Dagens Heavy WOD og Vektløfterkurs!

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Dagen startet med Vektløfterkurs med Ove, mye gode tilbakemeldinger og masse kompetanse!
Husk: Alle må ha vektløfterkurs for å kunne delta på vektløftertimer!

Dagens Heavy Wod:


A: Skill training

3 rounds not for time:
-Unbroken Ring Dips 5-10 reps
-Unbroken Double unders 10-50 reps
-Unbroken Strict Handstand Pushups 3-12 reps


Team Wod 2 persons (1 complete a full round, the other rest meantime)
1o Rounds (5 each)
-5 Power cleans 85% Body weight
-10 High Box jumps
-15 Chest to bar
After completing B, go directly to C (buy out)

C: Buy out

-60 Push Press @60/40kg


One work, the other rest in rack position!
If one of the team members drops the bar, both team members must drop it to floor and pick it back up!


Vi hadde også Crossfit Light time idag (Red class), som utførte følgende:

In teams of 3:
-100 Thrusters
-100 Floorwipers
-100 burpees
(work, run 100m, rest)


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