“Bubble shooter”

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I had forgotten about this!

The workout was written many years ago. Just wanted a super light “weightlifting” WOD only using the WallBalls.

By coincidence some famous training girl from the US visited CrossFit Bryggen. She really liked it, so it ended up in a magazine. Yeah 😎

Today’s variation was the toughest BS so far. Dying 😱

Vojtech in the slavic squat position.

Hågen is old school. He has done this before. Not affected.

I’m impressed with my friend Petter. That he is still alive I mean. Teaming up with Stephanie might seam like a good idea her being all friendly and all, before class.

But she is sneaky. As soon as the workout starts the darkness begins. “He is not my precious this one. Me wanna kill my partner” 🧛‍♀️😱

Almost forgot to take a picture of the horrible thing 😜

“Bryggen Bodybuilding Club” was pumping hard in the evening 👊🏼 Marcus came all the way from Arna to witness the spectacle 😍

Pumping up the muscles and posing in front of a mountain really works 👀💪🏼 Makes you look huge 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼😜

Jepp 👍🏻

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