The rain is back and the gym is quiet.
Because you pretend you have a PowerPoint to finish but in the fact you are just laying on your couch under a blanket while eating cheese and drinking tea!
Don’t pretend : you look by the window and … “argh that will be my rest day today”. ☔️😴
Only the braves came to the gym because the weather is not stopping them … or because they have no life.
You see it as you want of course but don’t be so negative!
And you know whom I am talking about and well I’m part of this gang! 😝
So today was a practice day in an EMOM format.
The idea was to pick a difficult movement and do few reps followed by a bit of toes to bar (gymnastics) and Double Unders (conditioning) so to work in a high level of intensity.
And because we had a lot of time I added a tabata for the core : hollow body rock & super hold 🤘🏻
In my workout there was :
– 3 Ring Muscles Ups
– 12 Toes To Bar
– 60 Double Unders
I’m very bad at RMU but you were free to change the first movement for something else.
For instance Stephanie picked weighted pistols, Rich & Rebecca handstand push-ups, Renate power cleans, etc…
We all have weaknesses to work on and coming alone to practice can be difficult for motivation.
I’m the same : I wish I had a coach to help me but I don’t so I try to be a “good” one for the others.
And it’s tough and I make mistake but I try to help my best.
We keep learning our entire life.
Snorre should be coming back soon.
I hope he had a good time and is full of energy from his Californian trip because my battery is empty.
Ahhh California…
I’m dreaming about it now.
Talking to all these Americans visitors this season about their country, their way of life, made me want to go there.
America is vibrating into my brain but moreover California: where CrossFit started.
When Snorre is back be ready for “Mikus oppvarming style” (which means no warm up) or kettlebell swings, wallballs & rowing everyday when I’m not in charge 😂
Thanks Stian for the help tonight.