Bryggen is an organism and you are part of it 🙂 We work out hard together, but at the same time we are individuals with different goals dreams and opinions about training, and life in general. That opens up for a lot of fun 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
As you all know I’m not a big fan of long warm ups. I like to practice the wod. Talk about the wod, and take time to help everybody decide how to do it. That does not mean that Gabor sucks. It’s just not my style 🙂
Sooooo … Today we planed for Monday ( Murph) and talked about the wod. Jeanette is a good example. She did Kelly in 35 minutes in 2016. We planed 6 minutes rounds and and a 5 minute improvement. She made it !!!! It was great 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Me and Monica did the workout as a team two. We had to struggle to beat Gabor 😂😂😂😂
Me and Gabor helped a lot of people go harder than they would alone today. The ones that got extra attention got really tired 😓… and happy. I’ll try to remember that so everybody gets their turn to die 💀🤪
Per got stuck at work so we gave the weightlifting to Marcus. He did really well. As you can see the class went just as normal. One lifting and five watching 😂😂😂
Elin took the comp class. She did great.
Running in sun ☀️
The board ;