It was time for the most popular class of the week again 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
We started out with Tabata Biceps Curl. Just as a fun part of the warm up. I often say “the battle against skinny arms” continues. It’s a joke, but there is some seriousness in it. I don’t see why anybody would strive for thin arms , and a gap between their thighs big enough to fit a kneip bread 🥖 It’s just stupid and unhealthy.
The second part of the joke is directed at crossfit itself. Crossfit don’t like bicep curls. I totally agree. There are 100 things you should get in order before you can make the argument that you have time. But let’s say that you are done with your squats, presses, pull-ups, deadlifts, sled sprints, Russian swings, power cleans, ……… and nobody can see you ? 😜
Anyways … Looking at the quality of the curls being done today, Bryggen is not waisting anybody’s time 😂
After BAF classes it was time for whatever. Nowadays whatever is usually giving the open workout a go ! Lena really sucks at double unders. She can only do 2-3, then she panics and hits her shoes 👞. But she can do a muscle up ! Since the workout requires that’s you must do 200 DU’s first it was a race against the clock. It was nerve wracking to watch !!! Per knew the weekend was ruined if she did not make it 😅 Their son on the other hand was totally uninterested. Leo is like all other crossfit friends and family really tired of hearing about crossfit.
The workout is 14 minutes. Lena spent 13 min and 10 seconds with her jump rope. Then she went over the the rings and did …. 1 Muscle Up!!!!! And by that beating 99 % of the girls at Bryggen in this workout 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😂😂😂 It was great 👍🏻The world is not fair. And the open is designed by a prick 😆
Luise came for a short visit. She is an adult living in Oslo now 😳 At Bryggen she will always be remembered for her awesome pole moves.
Here is the picture of the board. And Leo “the artist” 👩🎨 Not worrying about crossfit or making a mess 😂Not today.