I woke up with a very bad feeling this morning.
Like where is my life going on?
With the Hungarian CrossFit Bryggen Mafia (László and Gabor) we went to eat out and ended up at Last Monkey where Gabor had his shift.
As members of CrossFit Bryggen and thanks to Roberto, we have a discount on beers, if you didn’t know. 🍻
Just show your Bryggen access card and do 3 Hand Stand Push Ups at the bar.
So we are sitting at the bar, talking about how to make the world a better place by doing few more reps in the Open while drinking a couple of beers.
And facing us is this amazing wall of all kind of alcohol.
Like mermaids singing for us.
Losing yourself and get swallowed by the sea.
As I feel like sailing on a boat without captain and following a broken compass, I couldn’t resist long before asking Gabor : “what is this yellow bottle there, this Fireball?”.
And here comes my first shot of this cinnamon flavored whiskey. 🥃
I know it sounds gay and so what?
Because you snatch heavier than me and drink protein shake when you go out, gives you the right to judge me?
Ok … maybe it was gay.
Because yeah, Ernest poured the drink and said it was his favorite and he had something funny in his eyes.
And Gabor had a little smile. You know the guy, this sex machine, always very straight and serious. Yeah that little smile.
Oh László and you? What the hell happened?
Can we turn gay because of a hedonistic curiosity? Is that even real?
Trapped by the melody of this evil bottle I started to text random phone numbers saying to whoever was behind it how he/she was great and that I love him/her.
I imagine the poor fella/girl receiving this kind of statement by an unknown phone number.
I imagine the distress facing feelings!
In Norway!
Where people are raised not to have!
- “Mom I think I love Jonny-Ditleif!” ❤️
- “Don’t be silly Randi-Åslaug and go chop more wood. Feelings make people weak and you don’t want to be catch by a Troll.”
The workout today is named after a very pretty girl who used to be member at Bryggen : Mariann Valde.
She’s gone doing fitness on the other side of the bay as I understood.
Snorre loved her enough to create something for her.
Apparently she liked or was very good in heavy front squat.
Focus today was made on “heavy” more than on “speed”.