In a team of 2 share a bar and each member completes the following exercises. (20kg/15kg) For Time: 25 Back Squats 25 Front Squats 25 Overhead Squats 400m Run 25 Shoulder Press 25 Push Press 25 Push Jerk 400m Run 50 Squat Clean 400m Run 50 Power Snatch 400m Run Rules: – Each person must do 25 reps each for squats/press, and 50 each squat clean/snatch. Break it up however needed. – No putting the bar down except for the run. – 5 Burpee penalty for the team each time the bar is dropped besides running. – Pass the bar back and forth until each person completes their reps. – You cannot run until both team members complete their reps for the exercise preceding the 400m run.