Wednesday: deadlift & Alt. EMOM

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Snorre came by the office this morning.

Early surprises for the trainers and last goodbyes before leaving for family time and a long drive to go there.

He hugged Dushyantan and then asked Mikus if he wanted one too for “god Jul”… and Mikus said no 😂

At the program, a bit of deadlifts and an EMOM for conditioning.

EMOM are very personal so it’s quite difficult to make one that fit for all.

I use my own experience for the number of repetitions per movements but told everyone to make something they would be happy for.

Making it RX or scaling it but working for about 40-50 seconds max per minute.

Also I told that there would be no score on that part.

Let’s make it as a “real” training.

A practice of heavy wall balls, kettlebell swings, V-ups and double unders.

Today’s focus is on Rafał, member of CF Bryggen for “over a year now”.

I told him that I needed a picture of him with a cup of coffee to which he answered “yes that’s my trend mark!”.

Because that’s part of my routine: preparing my warm up on my white board, cleaning the room a little and making coffee for Rafał as he always comes for the first class. Then when he shows up, I tell him “coffee is ready!”.

In the morning, I usually have what I call the “polish gang” with Piotr, Tomasz, Olga and him. And you can be sure that these guys make a great atmosphere then by joking around.

Once Tomasz and Rafał were squatting together and to tease Rafał I said “remember when you started you were like a spaghetti” to which Tomasz answered “and now he is like a penne!”🍝😂

Rafał has his spot in the class: always close to the KB rack, with his cup of coffee not too far. I told him that one day I’ll carve his name there somehow like on Hollywood Boulevard. 😆

How did it all start for you here?

Through Roland (one of our trainers). I know him for 10 years as we are both chefs and been working together. I think he started like 5 years ago but it took me many years before being convinced! At first I came to Bring A Friend. I was so out of shape! I was sore for 5 days after that and would come back again the next Saturday. Then after a year doing so I decided that I was ready to be a member.

What do you like the more at Bryggen?

I like that everything is decided by the coaches. It takes away the problem about the program. In a regular gym with friends we would argue about what to do, what’s best, what suits to our goals. And CrossFit is varied, we have cardio, weightlifting, strength, gymnastics… It gets to everyone: the strong ones get faster, the fast ones get stronger. Everyone get something from CrossFit.

What is your favorite movement?

Strength: Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift. I like when it’s part of the wod.

What do you hate?

Rowing & thrusters!

“Jackie” (benchmark with rowing, thrusters and pull-ups) is not for you then!

Definitely not! But even the things you hate, you just need to swallow the pill and go for it. In a regular gym I would avoid what I don’t like. Here seeing everyone doing the wod force you to do the same.

What’s your opinion on CrossFit Bryggen?

There is a really cool atmosphere. I knew Roland and other people from outside before I signed up so I knew what to expect in terms of atmosphere. It’s a very friendly place where people hang out after wod, stick together.

What can we wish you?

To get stronger on the “powerlifting”. Yes, to be stronger in 2019!


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