I spend hours reading about CrossFit (by the way I recommend you to check out the journal on www.crossfit.com it’s full of interesting things), looking for wods, watching videos, etc.
Doesn’t make me any better (or very little) but there is always something to learn and so to share.
As we say in French “at least you will go to bed a little less dumb”.
Through all that material, I found the workout of today.
Rich, Hero Wod.
It looks like an UFO 🛸 and I like different, I like unusual.
So I made our week and write to our Rich.
He seemed happy about it 😃
This wod was tough especially because of the Snatch and hopefully this “heavy” movement came first.
So we spent an little more time on it during the warm up.
Quite warm today in Bergen for the run!
Thanks Tora for the cookies!