Lørdag : Bring a friend

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It’s possible to survive without training. The last years of your life will probably be shit but you made it.

Ask you doctor and she will probably tell you that being alive without sickness is more than enough. But is it ?

Being able to do a pull up. Jump on a box. Run 200 meters fast. Squat your own body weight, ten pushups …. Work out like an animal for 20 minutes. All these things makes you alive. It makes you feel good about yourself. When you feel good about yourself you are happy. Happy people are fun to hang out with , so you get invited to party’s and skiing in Myrkdalen.

Do your friend a favor. Bring them to Bryggen on a Saturday 😜

The cup game ;

The whatever game ;

Piotr being forced to team up with Thierry 😆

Sofie doing power cleans from high hang 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 She was super happy to finally be allowed to work out with a bar 👻

The board ;

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