Today the training was better than normal. I don’t know what normal is, but I know a good workout when I see one. The squat is the king of all exercises. No movement gives you more back than a “perfectly” executed full squat. For six weeks we are going to squat and press more than normal, and that’s just great.
The pull-ups and push-ups are also great. We should do it more. As strict as possible.
The war of the blog is making me nervous. Yesterday’s blog was so funny and advanced. I can’t compete with that. But I love it 😍
I took a sneak picture of the fucker probably working on tomorrow’s blog already.
u all know I love Arnold. But I love Mark Rippetoe more. He has done more for me as a trainer than anybody and anything in the world. My 48.000 Kr "personal trainer" education from The Norwegian school of sport science gave me nothing compared to reading Marks "Starting Strength" book.
Mr Rippetoe says funny things hoping to make us understand training better. Like this ;
"Squatting' in a Smith machine is an oxymoron. A Smith machine is not a squat rack, no matter what the girls at the front desk tell you. A squat cannot be performed on a Smith machine any more than it can be performed in a small closet with a hamster."
Here is a bragging picture from my dream day in Texas with Hero 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻